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Re: sp changes in fast track

To: "K.C. Babb" <>
Subject: Re: sp changes in fast track
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 16:20:08 -0600
Karen said:

>And you may be correct, so perhaps it's more realistic to simply
>write an allowance, rather than a prohibition.  Go for it.

I personally found no fault with the previous wording. If Tom's
"surge tank" is such a major no-no I would propose:

"Fuel lines shall only extend between other allowed devices in
the fuel system: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, and induction
system. The inside dimension of any non-original fuel line shall
not exceed 1/2 inch. There shall be no loops or other features,
such that the path length is unnecessarily extended, in any
non-original fuel line. Only the aforementioned specifically
allowed devices may be present in the fuel flow path. An allowed
fuel filter shall contain an internal element for the purpose of
removing solid matter from fuel."

The blah-blah about a single feed and a single return line is
fine, if anyone thinks that serves a real purpose. In any case,
there's no ambiguity there.

So whaddya think?

>You keep acting as if the
>wording is easy, yet you haven't offered any.

Not easy, but possible. I'd love for anyone who is not yet
narcolepsic to poke holes in my proposed addition. I may be
writing a letter myself....

>When it comes right down to it, pretty much so.  A big Jetta
>filter (bonus points if it says VW on it),

Naw, it says "Bosch," and the same filter is used on a number of
other Euro cars.

Jay "not gonna run the Jetta again anyway" Mitchell

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