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Re: Non Autox Content. Marriage or Mud Wrestling

To: (Eric Linnhoff)
Subject: Re: Non Autox Content. Marriage or Mud Wrestling
From: "K.C. Babb" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 12:01:53 -0800 (PST)
> Is there any sort of online reference or readily available book on course
> designing?  I want badly to help out my local clubs by being an Event

Roger NoSheep Johnson has a nice set of viewfoils, which I believe
are available for Web viewing via Houston Region's web site (and
somebody will be sending the URL, no doubt).  Or SCCA can send them
to you if you call and ask.  They also used to have some essays on
course design, from Nationals designers past such as Chuck Sample.
Gregg Lee had some nice content, IIRC.

> Chairman but have very little to no experience or an idea about what should
> and shouldn't be included in any particular course's design.  Slaloms,
> Chicago boxes, 180's, long straights, sweepers, figure 8s?  How much can I
> feasibly cram into one course?

How big is your site?

> Help me.  The little voices are getting louder and telling me to design only
> slower tight courses that my Neon can whoop some V8 butt on.  ;^)

The key is not necessarily slow-and-tight, but narrow, speed-maintenance, 
and transient-intensive.  Remember that they're bigger than you (the
cars certainly, the drivers maybe :-).  The biggest exception (among V8 
machines) to this is the C4 Corvette--it does most things extremely well 
until you get to seriously icky small slaloms (< 50 feet of spacing).  
Some of them do have power steering problems, though.


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