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1999 Convention - #2

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: 1999 Convention - #2
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 21:31:30 -0500 (EST)
This is the second in a series of my notes from the Convention. 

** Disclaimer Alert **
Please understand these are the things I thought were important (or were
able to jot down as the conversation progressed) and these are just MY
opinion. Additional comments are included in brackets [].

If you wish to excerpt from them, you may. Please give proper credit and I
request a copy of your publication which contains the information. Reply
via private e-mail and I'll send my snail mail address. Thanks!
** End of Disclaimer ** <g>

Thanks to the work of fellow conventioneer Randy Fisher (Kansas Region RE),
I have included the text of the Treasurer's Report by Chuck Shapiro. Randy
was smart enough to pick up a copy before leaving the convention.

^^ Begin Treasurer's Report ^^

Projected year-end numbers:
SCCA Inc.:      Club Racing         Surplus $637,945
                Pro Rally           Loss      11,755
                Road Rally          Loss      13,755
                Solo                Loss     113,887
                Risk Management     Surplus   99,396
                Corporate Services  Loss      44,982
                Member Relations    Loss     194,690
                Member Services     Loss      27,384
                Administration      Loss     293,143
                Total               Surplus   37,869

Surplus figures are within what was budgeted for the fiscal year.

Points to keep in mind when examining these numbers are:

* Allocations of dues to member interest areas. Membership applications
question and pinpoint members interest area and more funds have been
allocated to these areas

* Long range plans are in the development state to improve the bottom line
of those areas showing a loss.

* A marketing manager has been hired for Solo and Rally. [Unfortunately,
due to an illness, he was unable to attend the convention.]
* Corporate services: Income was hurt by strike in the auto industry, but
on the plus side, plans are being made to broaden the base so that by the
year 2000, they believe a surplus is possible.

* Corporate services cover Mini Grand-Prix, Ride & Drive programs and
dealer introductions.

Cash Flow for SCCA, Inc.:
        Total Assets             $3,263,724.19
        Total Membership Equity   2,974,399.48
        Projected Cash Flow         207,870.00

SCCA Enterprises is expected to show a profit of $97,000 for the year end.
Enterprises will begin paying back money owned to SCCA, Inc. All debts
owned to Roush Motorsports have been repaid.

SCCA Pro Racing is projected to show a loss for the fiscal year. The total
operation is being reviewed with a view to improving its financial picture.
With management changes, we are optimistic about the coming year.

The USRRC is in its second year and is still experiencing growing pains.

The financial picture does not, at this time, reflect the changes that have
been implemented to better meet the needs and interests of our members. 
Even though these numbers reflect losses in some areas, the total bottom
line showed a surplus.

^^ End Treasurer's Report ^^

Notice a slight discrepancy between Chuck's figures, and the ones Nick
presented. They were going to get together and work out the differences.

Next up was the SCCA Town Hall Meeting ...
For some questions, I didn't keep notes on the answers :( .
Many of the questions were addressed George Bovis, Chair of the BoD.

Best quote of the meeting, from George Bovis "We're willing to be helpful."

Issues raised were:

* Understanding the change in the Insurance coverage regarding the first
$5,000 now being secondary. Previously coverage was primary for 1st $5,000
and the next $50,000 was secondary with a max of $500,000. New max is
$1,000,000. - Question raised by Sam Watkins (Central Florida) & Bob Ricker

-- Dan Sherrod (Director, Area 7 and Insurance Committee liason) spoke to
the question. I'll do my best to explain what I thought he said: SCCA's
loss ratio [comparison of premium dollars and claim dollars] was around
90%. Insurance companies generally like that ratio to be 50-60% (so they
can make money). SCCA was facing a jump in premiums. In order to keep those
premiums in line, BoD elected to make first $5000 of coverage secondary.
What this means is that your personal health coverage will be involved in
the first $5000 of coverage. However, if you have a high deductible, or if
your health insurance provider denies coverage, or you just don't have
coverage, SCCA will still pay for costs incurred from the first dollar.

* How much was jump in premiums expected to be? - Ed Maksym (Chicago)

-- Dan: about 15% from approximately $500,000 to $650,000.

Dan also recommended visiting with your local track hospitals about your
racing disaster plan and how you can work together in the event of

* Concern expressed that previously workers did not have to disclose racing
activities to personal health carriers, now that may become an issue. -
George Kendall (Chicago)

* Some individuals expressed concern about the new phone system. Prior to
the installation of voice mail, 80-90% of calls were reaching an actual
voice. Now they are having trouble reaching a real person. The individual
[sorry, I can't remember his name] said he does get phone calls returned,
but sometimes he is busy and can't take the call.

-- Dennis Dean spoke to the question. The bottom line was, if you have a
problem with the service you're getting on the phone, call him at ext. 309
at the time the problem occurs and he'll work to get it resolved.

* Sound levels. Apparently the new sound levels didn't get into the new
GCR. Request was to monitor sound levels through the Supplementary
Regulations. - Bob Henson (Kansas City)

-- Much discussion ensued on Sound. [Another issue parts of the country
have to agree to disagree on, IMHO].

* Who made the decision to not put T1 on probation and why? - Pete Larson
(Ohio Valley)

-- Per George, BoD made the decision (it was not unanimous). They're trying
to get others involved in SCCA.

* Why no ProRacing sound control? - Sam Watkins (Central Florida)

-- Per George, "Pro rules are business rules."

In the earlier Annual Meeting breakfast, Fred Slick reminded us of fellow
SCCA member/racer Walter Payton's liver disease and his wait for a

* Lynn Randall, RE of Finger Lakes, challenged every one in the room to go
back to our regions and encourage our members make a decision about organ
donation and inform our families of our wishes. [As the daughter of a
transplant recipient, this is an issue near and dear to my heart ... please
consider organ donation. It can make a world of difference in someone's
life. :) ]

* Problems with GT1 tires and sizes from Goodyear. - Howard Pratt

* Why are there no Letters to the Editor in SportsCar any more? - John
Bowden (Kansas)

-- Per George, folks are apparently communicating through other means, and
the Editor is not receiving any letters now.

* The merger of Production cars into GT classes increased the participation
in GT classes, while decreasing the number of classes. Then the board
started the increasing participation averages from 2.5 up .5 cars per year.
Now that number is frozen at 3.5. Why have we abandonded that method before
reaching our goal of 5.0?

-- Per George, that philosophy is not abandoned, just in "time-out".

* USRRC was budgeted to lose $500,000. How much was the actual loss? - Tom
O'Conner (Cal Club)

-- Per George, their year ends 03/31/99 and with the recent completion of
the Rolex24, those figures are not yet available.

* What is the description on the Senior Worker's License? - Margie Swanson

-- Brian Holtz spoke to the question. There is a proposal in front of the
Comp Board which includes the elimination of the Senior Worker's License.
What we need is consistency in the definition and applicaiton. [It was
announced in the National Administrator Town Hall that the Comp Board had
approved this proposal.]

* Concern was expressed about the USRRC and its lack of association with
SCCA Inc. - Dick Patullo (New England)

* Recognition goes to the volunteers who put together to Ski Sawmill
ProRally school. It was recognized in Automobile magazine as the best pro
racing school in the country. - Lesley Suddard (Blue Mountain)

* End of SCCA Town Hall.

I didn't have many notes from the RE's town hall.
Mostly it dealt with ideas of how to convince smaller regions to send their
REs or delegates and how to adjust the region subsidies to maximize the
dollar benefits.

In the next installment ...
  Club Racing Awards Luncheon
  Rally/Solo Awards Luncheon

Kelley Huxtable
Des Moines Valley Region
"Worker Bee"

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