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Re: sp changes in fast track

To: Joshua Hadler <>
Subject: Re: sp changes in fast track
From: Brian M Kennedy <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 12:32:45 -0600
Joshua Hadler wrote:

>         if the appeal of the protest found the RX's fuel
> system legal, then why are the rules being changed to make them illegal?
> I don't understand this.

The rules makers didn't _intend_ to allow the RX fuel system.
However, in the protest process, they can't punish people for
following the written rules.  And they judged that the written
rules allowed it.  But they didn't want the written rules to 
allow it.  So, they're changing the written rules.

>         Plus with all of the wording they've gone through the trouble of
> writing, there is no doubt still an exploitable loophole. Sorry I don't
> have the text of the incredibly wordy rules change, but the impression I
> got from reading it last night was that it still allowed for a way
> around the wording. I'll have to go back and look at it more carefully
> when I get home.

I haven't seen the wording yet.  However, if you think there's still a 
loophole, perhaps that's why they had to write so many words -- and may
need even more.  There's a bunch of stuff they want to allow, but some
very similar stuff they want to disallow.

OTOH, if they make it long, confusing, and self-contradictory, then they
will effectively force people getting in the gray area to ask if their
specific mod is allowed -- people will have to ask for their _intent_.

Looking forward to the arrival of my mail,


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