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Re: What If?

To: Paul Czarnecki <>,
Subject: Re: What If?
From: Debbie Stohn <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 21:26:34 -0500
Geesh ... Do I really come across sounding worried?  I'm really not ... just
thinking about how to prep properly ... this cat really wants to get out and
have some fun!!

Paul Czarnecki wrote:

> At 7:48 PM -0500 2/17/1999, Debbie Stohn wrote:
> >What if 2NCES took the Accord out on the Ice this weekend.... What tire
> >pressures would y'all recommend?
> >Cheers!  2NCES
> first off, don't worry about them!
> 2nd, if you really care, try about 10psi or so... and have a source of air
> so you can get home.
> Really, don't worry about it!
> pZ
> --
> Paul Czarnecki
> Listen.  Do.  MacSpeech.

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