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RE: Herstory (Ohh No, Not Again)

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Herstory (Ohh No, Not Again)
From: Rick Cone <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:19:45 -0500
I agree with you.  But do we have to go through this again!!!!!   It seems just 
like this time last year that we beat this dead horse.   

OK All you SP guys, its about time to bring back subframe connectors to 

Rick Cone
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:   Friday, February 12, 1999 11:05 AM
Subject:        Re: Herstory

        A wonderful speech, and I agree wholeheartedly, but I keep flashing 
back to
last year when I suggested that the L classes be removed and replaced by
intermediate open classes. The dissenting opinions I recieved were mostly from
women, Katie included. Well, Shauna it seems had the courage break the mold
and I hope she starts a revolution. The general opinion that I saw was "It's
about time", not the "She's got something to prove." that was expected. 
        At what point do we transition from the "giving the wives something to 
do" of
the 60's, to a pure competition of driving skill-gender not an issue? My
opinion is that women need to make the change, refuse to drive in the ladies
classes, throw off the crutch and deal with whatever obstacles come up. Shauna
has started this and unless other women follow her lead, her achievement will
become a footnote in the history of autoX. Katie, what class are you running
this year?-- :)
        As for Lynn's racing series, I'm torn. It gives women a wonderful 
to showcase their driving ability, but will it translate into more women
ending up behind the wheel, maybe. I think the smarter route would be for Lynn
to find a NASCAR ride and go beat up on Jeff Gordon, preferably with a car
done up in Victoria's Secret livery. You think I'm being funny, but sposorship
is key to racing and most of the sponsors in racing are appealing to the male
demographic. If you want more women competing in motorsports, you have to get
them in front of the TV with their husbands on Sunday afternoon and buying the
products that are touted there on all that flashy paint. Show the companies
that appeal to the female demographic that they can sell products through
racing, and you'll have more oportunities for women, more women interested in
racing, and an overall better attitude twords women in motorsports.
ooooo, I can't wait to see the flames this generates- Mike can I borrow your

Pax Rolfe '74 RX2 - CSP 

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