> From: Andrew_Bettencourt@kingston.com
> Caveat:
> 1998 Fiero wheels for the V6 models (GT and Formula were 2 different sizes.
> 15 x 6 Front and 15 x 7 rear. 1997 GT wheels were 15 x 7 all around.
And the earlier wheels were 14 inch. All I (and Mari) said was that they
fit 88 fieros. Since I gave a set to my father when he got his fiero,
and he uses them for street tires (saving special rims for race), I
think she was correct.
pat(actually, they look better than you might think)mac
Pat MacAvoy
a.k.a. konekiller@tridelta.com
84 CS RX7 GSL-SE (for sale, see http://www.suite224.net/~patmac)
88 CS 924S-SE (CS gun)
86 944 Luxobarge
87 Crown Vic (SlowSoloTow)
93 Crown Vic (SecondSoloTow)