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Re: Loti in all classes, corrected data

Subject: Re: Loti in all classes, corrected data
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:20:41 EST
In a message dated 2/8/99 3:53:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

    First of all I think you need to talk to some Porch guys about Rex' car
 cuz from what I could tell the red car was a very well thought out peice and
 very very fast! Whatdya think Curt? Greg? Karen says Rex' red car wasn't the
 right peice for ASP! I sure don't remember seein Rex walk across but I ahve
 only been sinse 94 and my memery is terrible. Rocky?
  Rex's car was well set up, he was running the same engine as me (3.2) but
had the stock injection (I was running carbs when I ran against his P car )
his car was an early car and should be about 200 lbs lighter than mine, but Im
not sure what suspension he was running. I would never say any of the guys in
ASP (or galls!) are not great drivers, but all I can think of isTC's comment
after his runs in Charlies car in 97, "its just like cheating" but I too would
love to drive one, just to know for myself.
  I was closer to them than I have ever been in 98 (in second place, .2 off
the first place lotus on the first day) then slipped back on day two, but have
since found that I had gone the wrong way on the rear rebound shock settings
(two of soft) causing poor handling on the fast stuff, so who knows.
  What I do know is the RX7 of Shauna and Ren (sorry Ren, she gets top
billing) and my 911 are both built to the extreme of the class, with years of
development time, I don't think I could say the same for any of the lotus's, I
know that Rex's car is well done, but look how far up he jumped in class the
first year he went from his 911 to his Lotus, plus, when TC Kline drove my
car, he was over two seconds slower than me, but when he drove Charlie's
lotus, he was a second faster than me and took 3rd place at nationals the
first time he drove the car!
  So here is the deal, lets put this to rest! Someone out there let me drive
your lotus, I will trade you a ride, you run my 911, I will run your Lotus,
now lets see if someone will step up.
     Curt (balls on the line) Ormiston

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