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RE: Image Awareness

Subject: RE: Image Awareness
From: "Moore, John" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 13:12:10 -0600
        DirtyDogg1 wrote >
        > So why do women have an entirely seperate league?  I don't
understand the
        > logic behind this.  Why the need to spererated the sexes??

        Why not? There are womens basketball leagues, womens softball
leagues, even womens hockey leagues, why not a womens racing league? I think
in many cases men and women compete in different leagues, not because one is
better than the other, it's just Men are different than Women when it comes
to competition. In many cases, women have been told for years that they
cannot compete at the same level as men can, so they where left out and not
even given a chance. Fact is, in many sports, women CAN compete on the same
level as men, especially in motorsports, it's just hard to overcome old
stereotypes. When women start a league of thier own, they not only get to
prove that they can "do it", without having to deal with all the BS that the
stereotypes create, they also can concentrate on the task at hand instead of
having to deal with some moron who decides to exert his testoserone on the
court/field/ice/track and act like a bully.
        I have to ask, is there an equivalent Mens series to the LeMans GT
Womens series? If so, after a year of competition, put the top female
drivers and top male drivers into equivalent cars with equally experienced
teams and lets see how competitive things really are. I think that you may
find that, there would not be much difference between the men and women when
they are equally experienced at racing. It's just that women have been
"restricted" from competition, so they may not have the experience that some
of the men have.
        And on the issue of Image Awareness, take a look at NASCAR, CART,
IRL and even Trans-Am and tell me they are not also conerned with image?
Many of the drivers have been tutored on how to talk to the press. They are
expected to maintain a certain "image" of the team that brings in the
sponsors and the fans. They are not restricted by the rules from competing
if they don't meet some minimum criteria for "image", but it becomes self
limiting if you are not able to be seen as a good spokesman for the sponsor.
No sponsor's, no racing, unless you are independently wealthy. Besides, the
image portrayed by the series, especially in it's first year, will form
peoples "image" of the series and will determine much about it's future

I'll shut up now and put on my Nomex suit for the flames this one will
probably get! But please, engage brain before opening mouth.

John Moore
1993 Toyota MR2 NA (CS #55)
1981 VW Scirocco (ES-ST #472)

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