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Re: Perfect autox software

To: Mark Sirota <>,
Subject: Re: Perfect autox software
From: Rob Gregg <>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 23:56:40 -0600

    Your ideas for a "Perfect" autocross timing and scoring system are right
on.  In fact, I had many of the same thoughts several years back.  So, I sat
down and wrote it.  My current version is an DOS based application, and it
handles nearly every item on your list (and then some).  I am currently
writing a Windows version that will contain all of your requests (and then

    My software, simply called AutoX/TS, does the following (using your

    1) Handle Timing Functions.  No PC based timer can be accurate to
1/1000th of a second (no matter what some people say), so I chose to
interface directly with external timers.  My software is currently
compatible with:  JACircuits, Manzanita Micro and RaceAmerica Timer AC4, and
it can easily be modified to work with any timer that has external output.
    2) Handle Scoring Functions.  Once a car is staged (either manually with
Car# and Class or electronically using a bar code scanner), the system
scores the time in a live, real-time environment.  Penalties (pylons, o/c's,
dnf's, dns's, dsq's) must be added by the computer operator with simple
keystrokes.  Penalties can be added while a car is on course, after it has
finished or through the master database.  Falsh starts/finishes are easily
corrected, in fact the JACircuits/RaceAmerica timers have reset buttons that
ignore false inputs, and when pressed, my software makes an automatic
    3/4) Registration.  On-Site and Pre-registration are no problem.  My
region, the Kansas Region, has used this software at the National Warm-Up
event the past 3 years.  This event is a pre-registration event with
extensive on-site walk-ups/changes, and the system handles it perfectly.
    5/6) One, Two, Three or Four day events, no problem.  Even up to 17 runs
per day.
    7) Season Points.  Two user-defineable point systems, by class and
indexed.  You define the position point values and the system automatically
scores points at the end of an event.
    8) Maintain list of entrants.  You can use the same database for an
entire season.  No need to re-enter the drivers at each event.  At the end
of one event, you merely designate which drivers are at the current event by
assigning them a run heat/group number.
    9) Mailing Labels.  The current version allows you to export the driver
address data to a text file that can easily be imported into a
database/spreadsheet/label program for printing labels.  The Windows version
will have a built in label print feature.
    10) Print Results in Easily mailed format.  Yes.  There are more result
print options than you'll need from one-line per entrant to formal results
complete with driver addresses.
    11) Reports to paper/electronic/HTML formats.  Almost.  All of my
reports can print to a printer or standard text file.  Results and Points
reports can also print to a quote/comma ASCII text file that can easily be
imported into a spreadsheet/database for conversion to HTML.  Again, the
next version will have an HTML print option.
    12)  Many Report Options.  I think you'll find that my program has most
reports that you need already available.
    13)  The database is completely at your controls, you can edit anything
you want anytime.
    14)  Up to 60 user defineable classes (regular, indexed, time only)
allows for any local rules that I have ever heard of.  Multiple drivers in a
car does require each driver to be assigned  a unique number (any
alpha-numeric numbers are accepted up to 3-digits  [5,5A,5B or 5,105,205] )
so this is not a problem.
    15)  My software does not care how you run the cars, however they come
to the line, my software will score them.  For example, at the National
Warm-Up you never know which car is running next, and AutoX handles without
a problem.  The results can be printed in any manner: by heat, by class or
classes (i.e. AS-HSL for only stock classes), all entrants, etc...
    16)  My software has MANY user defineable options that customize the
software to your specific needs.
    17)  Multiple access to a central database.  NOT YET, wait until the
Windows version.  (The only problem with this for idea for most clubs is the
cost of all the hardware, but I agree that it is needed for the perfect
application and I am creating it).

    A couple additional features of AutoX not on your list:

    1)   Announcer Data.  Hook up a second monitor and you have a Live
real-time announcer screen, including: driver bios, best run time, last run
time, current position in class, current distance out of the lead and more
for both the last car to finish and the next car in.  You have to see the
announcer screen work to believe it.  No more fumbling through papers or
index cards and guessing who's in the lead, it is all right there on the

    2)  The price is right.  I sell the package for $195, and I will custom
program any club-specific features for very reasonable rates.

    I think that my software is currently as close as you will get to the
"Perfect" system, and I would be glad to send you a demo if you would like
to see it.

Rob Gregg

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