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Re: The Future of Shop Manuals

To: "'AutoCross Mailing List'" <>
Subject: Re: The Future of Shop Manuals
From: Engstrom <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 18:45:31 -0600
Section 13[.0] of the 1998 Solo Rules states
"The entrant has the burden of proving that his
car conforms to these Rules by his owner's manual,
manufacturer's shop manual, manufacturer's
catalogs or other official manufacturer's
documentation, which must be in the possession
of the entrant at the event.  At a minimum, the
competitor must be in possession of the
manufacturer's workshop manual."

So, is possession of the service manual CD-ROMs
enough to meet the requirements, or do I also need
a printed service manual?  I got the GM ESI CDs
free from Helms.  When I ordered the CDs a couple
of months ago the printed manuals weren't available
for 1999 model year vehicles.

John "No, not that one" Engstrom

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