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Re: Huck & CHuck market positioning (was RE: So would it be

Subject: Re: Huck & CHuck market positioning (was RE: So would it be
From: "James A. Crider" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 12:08:16 -0500
Huck said:

>CHuck, who should know better than to cast groundless aspersions 
>regarding his dear brother Huck's use of company funds and/or chemicals 
>slandered thusly:
>> Yeah, it woulda worked if all the BoD and SEB bribery money hadn't
>> up someone's nose!
>That's just not true.  Well, okay, I got a quarter stuck up there once. 
>But I was 9.  I don't think that should count.  

Sure it does.  That quarter was exactly how much we were short of the
"recommended" bribe amounts...

>Besides, who coulda guessed that we'd need money to keep the SEB from 
>allowing 12" wheels to be replaced with 13's, or 15.3" TRX wheels to be 
>replaced with 15's.  I figured we didn't need the bribery money, so my 
>use of the funds was, well you know, kinda like a stockholder's 
>dividend.  Whodathunk we'd be shanghai-ed by the deep pockets of the 
>Ford Fiesta and 79 Mustang Turbo TRX package contingent.  At least that 
>was a worthy group...not like these highly suspect people that drive 
>Corvettes and Porsches...

Ah-HA!  So that was what the letter in my recently-acquired '78 Fiesta was
all about.  It's still on the factory 12" alloys, which I think are all of
4" wide, but there was this letter about sending a "contribution" to the
SEB "conference call snack fund" to "encourage" them to allow 13" wheels
that you could actually at one time buy Yokohama sticky tires for.

The recently-married DUC,

Jim "will engineer automotive parts for salary & benefits" Crider

Resume available.

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