In a message dated 1/29/99 9:25:54 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Do autocross drivers make better road racers or do road racers make better
autocross drivers? >>
I've found that most people with auto-x experience learn road racing quicker
that road racers learn auto-x, on a trip to France it was always us auto-xers
that learned to fast way around the track quickest.
Auto-xers know car control and the limits of their cars, but are a bit timid
when it comes to passing (at first) When road racers try auto-xing, they tend
to over cook turns and normally don't have the patients to spend the whole day
standing around for a few minutes of fun and go back to the track.
I am glad I started my racing with auto-x, I learnd allot before I went to
the high speed stuff, but I learned even more on a shifter cart! I would say
the best tool for road racing is cart racing, followed by auto-x. But, I am
looking forward to more road racing this year and less standing around!
Also, overall, I would say auto-xing takes more skill than road racing, but
road racing takes more concentration and balls of steel (im talking club level
racing here, not F1)
Curt O.