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Re: 18" rubber? Try taking it back.

To: "washburn" <>, <>
Subject: Re: 18" rubber? Try taking it back.
From: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:58:59 -0800
-----Original Message-----
From: washburn

>Here's a question I havn't seen yet...what happens when the 18" are
>available across the board?  How easy do you think it will to DIS-mantle
>this rule?  Will you not have a bunch of people who invested heavily in
>a 17" setup and wheels, only to have the big bad SCCA take the rule
>back?  Possesion is 9/10's, and it seems like there will even more heat
>when you try take this rule away than there is now.

   When there are tires available that'll be just fine, cuz guess what,
IMNSHO it aint gonna happen ;-) Besides we're talkin about 2 wheels for the
C5 at $125 ea.and how many Porch guys have you seen that don't already have
a couple sets of wheels? Beyond all that, why ever take it away? Why not let
all the cars with the 18' rubber be able to compete?


>Patrick Washburn <>
>Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
>95 DS Neon

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