This leak'd a bit during Nats... who else remembers all the cars running
"Cooper" Tires???
>Actually, in all seriousness, I'm not joking here, really I wouldn't do
>that. But I can't sit on this information any longer. This
>is enough to make me consider changing cars!
>Cooper Tires is developing a special "Solo 2 compound tire marketed
>specifically at the 18" and up fitment niche".
>This top secret memo was supplied to me by special operatives working
>undercover at the Cooper proving Grounds in Asia:
>To: J. Upton Kornhacker - Marketing Manager - Special Projects
>From: Horace Fleenbasher - Motorsports
>RE: Positioning of Cooper within the racing community
>The Motorsports department has been instructed to cease all work on the
>development of competition tires for motorized barstools, beer kegs and
>articulated busses. The monies budgeted to these activities will be
>redirected to the Solo project. Particularly the 18" diameter and up
>wheel sizes. R&D has produced a number of prototype tires that have
>undergoing rigorous testing in North-Central Asia. The results of
>tests are quite positive. The Cooper Climax Solo1 type R has proven
>itself to perform at a comparable level to the leading offerings from
>competition. We are certain that with a strong contingency program,
>Cooper Tire will succesfully infiltrate the SOLO community, quickly
>becoming the tire of choice for owners of the most exotic and fastest
>on the planet. We will continue with the full production and marketing
>effort currently underway for the motorized racing toilet segment.
>"Flush the Competiton with Cooper"
>I don't know about you, but with Cooper's proven track record inthe bar
>stool and toilet racing community, I'm frightened about the potential
>dominance in our sport. I'm considering the possibility of thining
>drafting a letter to the SEB cautioning them of this potential for a
>tire juggernaut upsetting the delicate balance we currently have in our
>Be afraid, be very very very very very very very afraid...