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Re: New Thread!

Subject: Re: New Thread!
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 18:59:52 -0800 wrote:
> John:
> I want to take a moment to congratulate you for attempting to start a new
> thread on Team.Net.  Never before has the long-ignored  issue of "Helmet
> Cooties" been brought to light.  Thank you for bringing us to the cutting
> edge of open, frank discussions.

Always glad to help, JD!

> On another subject, M. Sipe mentions people looking like their cars.  You
> drive a Mini.  I drive an MGB.  I don't know what YOU look like but...
> Well, never mind...   : - )

OK, OK!  So I'm a little short 50-year-old fart (5'7" 150-lbs) with
tinted glasses, curly salt-and-pepper hair, a great big nose, a
mustache, and an ever-present smile that comes from driving a little
bitty car as fast as I can and usually finishing DFL at major
events!!! 8<{)

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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