All this talk about how BS is quicker than AS, and how the Miata should be
moved, seems to be missing the main point. Miata's and AS cars are two
different types of car profiles. Small light and powerless, vs bigger heavy
and powerful. Doesn't matter that on the average the Miata's are faster at
nationals than AS. Just like Miata's and FS camero's are different. One
could make the same argument.
Cars are classed by type and performance. We've seen time and time again,
cars in slow classes beating cars in faster classes. This in it's self does
not mean all these cars should run together. Unless we want fewer classes,
cars should be classed by type and potential, which means the Miata's don't
belong in AS, the BMW does not belong in BS, and you might as well combine
HS and ES, but that's another tread ;-).
Team Butt Heat
GS Audi A4 Quattro