>Roger (The Famous) Johnson wrote:
>> B.) Never has this been more evident than in G/S at Topeka this
>> year: Most have accepted the late Type "R" classification because one
>> didn't win!
Then Dennis Grant wrote:
>Nahhh. Some of us with a dog in the hunt at the time accepted the Type R in
>Denver when we saw what was required to make one go fast, namely,
>downshifting every time the car turned more than a few degrees.
>I'm still amazed that ol' Bob E. was able to make that many shifts in such
>a short period of time without blowing one.
>Any car that makes you work that hard just ain't an overdog.
It may not have had you worried after Denver, but I certainly was. That's
where I picked up steam on the late classing of the car. I've since decided
that the Type R is at least competitive and very well may be the best all
around car for the class. I still don't appreciate that it was classed as
late as it was, regardless of whether one did or didn't win at Nationals.
>What GS taught me this year was just how much the Stock classes resemble
>(suprise!) herds of sheep. A4 wins out west, everyone wants an A4. We win
>in the east, everyone wants a Talon. Bob gets a fast run in a Type R on his
>14th run in Denver, everyone wants a Type R. And yet the funny thing is
>that at Nationals, on courses were the launch isn't such a factor, the top
>of the class was a pretty even mix of Talons, A4s, Type Rs, and even MX6s.
True, it was kind of funny how many different cars were "the car to have"
for GS last year. It will be interesting to see what transpires this year
now that everyone will have had more time invested in the cars.
>> Do you really think that the potential of either the Acura or the BG was
>> realized in such a short time??
>Or the A4? Or the Talon? Hell, we were running stock shocks last year,
>there's still lots of tuning to be done for GS Talons.
>(Pros are another matter. There, the AWD cars rule the roost with an iron
>fist. Banned from P6 Baby!)
Not all all-wheel drives were banned from P6 Baby. Those pesky turbo one's
were, but not the A4.
>Say, Team Butt Heat, what are you guys running next year?
I can't speak for the rest of Team Butt Heat, but with the change to the Pro
rules, we are partially breaking up (hopefully not in spirit though!) I
will be driving (oh my god is he really about to say this....) a Type R this
year. I'm assuming that Joe and Anna will still be driving the A4 which
will be fun having that battle here locally. BTW, I won't be in P2, I'll be
in P6.
>Anyway, I sure hope at least one Type R comes to play in P2. I just got
>nifty new custom plates (R EATER) and I need to get some use out of them :)
The license plate on the car I'll be driving says "babynsx."
Ron Bauer
Team Butt Heat (The owner of the car, Annie Gill is having seat heaters put
in the front seats after riding around in my butt heat Audi!)