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Re: Floorpan adhesive?

To: Mark Sirota <>,
Subject: Re: Floorpan adhesive?
From: Craig Henry <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 15:10:07 -0700 (PDT)

Tom Johnson wrote a detailed Belly Pan 101 article
that can be found off the home page.  Hysol
9430 epoxy is what seems to be recommended most but
needs a warm area to set properly.  A few tubs in the
D sports racer gang have been put together with System
Three's T-88 epoxy.  It has the advantage of curing in
very low temperatures but could take several days to
do so (great for cold North East garages.)  The
aluminum pan should be anodized, as it will oxidize
almost instantly after sanding.  System Three does
sell an 860 aluminum etch/conditioner product that
would be better than nothing if not anodizing.  The
frame should be bare and clean for the best adhesion
too.  Richard Pere gave all the same recommendations
Tom had in his article.

Good luck,


--- Mark Sirota <> wrote:
> I'm replacing the floorpan.  What type of adhesive
> should I use?
> Should the metal on the frame be bare or painted?
> Thanks,
> Mark

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