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Re: Congrats, Gary G.

Subject: Re: Congrats, Gary G.
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:10:03 EDT
In a message dated 9/12/01 4:36:08 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Congratulations to Gary Godula on his championship-winning drive Tuesday.
 Though I'm sure he would rather have won it under different circumstances,
 he proved you have to make every run count, and did. Kudos to Tim Koch for
 an outstanding drive as well, and all trophy winners for that matter.

I'm glad for Gary and Tim and all the others that finished in the trophies. 
Its too bad that the event was cut short by this terrorist act. When I got 
home to KC at about
5:00 pm the reality of the day set in as I watched the taped replay of the 
Yeah, our event was disrupted but all our lives were spared. Lots of people 
in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were not that lucky. SoloII is 
supposed to be
fun, yesterday was the worst three runs of my life. When we got word of what 
was happening in NY, I just wanted to be done and go home. One thing that 
made this
whole deal really bad(for me) is that tuesday was my wifes birthday. She was 
an emotional mess when I came home. Sorry for the "Rant", I'm just so pissed.

Mike(I feel destroyed inside)B. 99cm   

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