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[Alpines] Back from the Salt Wars

To: Alpines <>
Subject: [Alpines] Back from the Salt Wars
From: drmayf <>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 08:25:13 -0700
Mr. Moderator, this is one of many updates I send out regarding the 
efforts of the worlds fastest Sunbeam wannabe. I have been a member of 
this list for what seem slike forever. And yet, virtually every posting 
of results bounces. There are quite a number of folk on  this list who 
do like to hear of the efforts on the Bonneville salt flats, but, you 
and the strange rules you have set up seems prevent that. If you feel 
that you want to shield your list members from the exploits of the 
Worlds Fastest Suneban's activity, shoot me an email and I will 
unsubscribe from this list where I have been a member for years..

First, the goal is still unsatisfied but I now have new information that
will definitely help attain it.

Let me say a word of praise for the SCTA_BNI organization and th
evolunteers that worked this meet.  When I went to the drivers meeting
on Saturday morning it seemed as if fully 1/3 of the folk there were
first timers.  There were three courses: the standard l ong course, the
standard short course and teh "special short course". Allthose who
needed licensing and cars that need verification runs were to use the
special short course. This worked to absolute perfection!  The salt was
near perfect as well. There waas a time or two that we drove out to the
special course and there were more vehicles in line there than the other
two combined.  SCTA-BNI: Gentlemen, that worked to perfection!  I know
it wont always be so, but this year was fantastic!   After the drivers
meeting, we dug the car out of the trailer and went to inspection. There
were no vehicles in the tech safty inspection line! Noting amiss in the
line at all, except that I think I received some bad information that I
will need to check directly with teh SCTA folk about: that was inspector
said my SA2005 helment would need to be replaced next year? Huh?  And
the other was that I should move my arm restraints to my gloves at the
wrists. I hav enever heard of that one either. So until I see something
in print on that one I will wait...

Ok, so Sunday we decided to make a run in the mid afternoon. I needed to
kinda train my number twop son so we took some time. My plan was to make
an easy pass on the short course, not special course,  pull the chute
and check for stability. Went up to about 125 give or take , pulle dth
echute and dang.... the car slowed down like a banshee and I turned out
tot he return road and looked back after getting out of the car..chute
was still in the bag, lol...  Very bad packing job on my part.  Still
teh car handled very good and no ill manners at all. Next day, Monday,
we took out time and repacked the chute again using our preferred
methid. Fueled up the car, checked the plugs and towed out to the short
course.  Hardly any line waiting at all. Suited up, got in and ran. This
time I wanted ot up the anti some so made a 156 pass, pulled the chute
and it worked just fine this time and the car handled smoothly and
safely.  Lots of good data on that run.  Tues, wash the chute, repack it
set up the car and off we go again. Still on the short course.  I made
an angryier pass this time making 183 in the 3rd mile of the short
course. That is pretty consistent with the other pass iI had made a year
or so ago at 184.  Chute worked as advertised again and the car handled
pretty doggone well.  Bad news. NO data. It started taking data then
just quit.  Oh, on an angry run, the engine room get dang hot, lol...
Need to wear cotton gloves to lift the hood. Ok, so, next run was set up
for the long course. I turned up the boost regulator a bit, fueld the
car, towed out to the long course. This time in the morning befor lunch.
Needed to do that so we could get the car ready to load as we needed to
return our kid to SLC to catch a flight home next day.  Again absolutely
no wait time! Finished suiting up, turned on  the laptop for data
recording, got in the car. Starter said go and I went, finished the run
at 186 in the 4th mile.  well, that was disappointing. Had a bit of a
cross wind that caused a bit of a moment when teh chute blossomed but
drove out of it by keep ing my foot in it then slowed rapidy well before
the 5th mile.

PPost mortem. No damaged parts, heck, the oil still looks near new!
Ditto the plugs. Talked to a team that runs an 84 inch wheel base alpha
romeo to 227 mph. So, short cars can be driven quite successfully. He
shared his secrest with me. Slow the steering waaay down, make it
understeer like crazy, hard front springs, soft rear springs.  So I have
some tragets for improvements in the driveability department.  I am now
convinced that the engine is being hampered by my poor choice of cam,
lifters, valve springs being used and those will be changed in what ever
manner the cam company (I'll check them all) says.  I am truely
diasppointed with the data logging experience and while the tweecer has
been giving good service, it is not a race system. I will have my bud
Dave D help with that department.


more later... I have only been home about an hour, lol....

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