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Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?

To: Steve Sage <>
Subject: Re: Is The Rootes Coventry Factory Closing For Good?
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:55:01 -0700
Thanks, Steve.

While it is bad news, because of the historical role played, it should 
be long expected.  Whereas this probably would not happen in France, the 
French economy shows it.

For instance, other than a few cars, like the Aston Martin, Jaguar, and 
Lotus, when is the last time you thirsted for a new English car? 

Steve Laifman
Editor -

Steve Sage wrote:

> Sunbeam Fans:
> I think this may be the original Rootes factory in Coventry that is 
> apprently closing.
> Steve Sage 

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