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Re: Trademark Opposition Filing

To: alpines <>
Subject: Re: Trademark Opposition Filing
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 12:02:05 -0600

Below is a copy of the letter that will appear in the STOA newsletter on 
this matter, that Rob asked me to forward to the list. If it has not 
already appeared on the SAOCA list, would someone please post it?


Ron Tebo

Tiger Trademark  Legal Action.
To all Club Members:
On July 7, 2005 we received notification that an individual had applied 
to trademark the following: Sunbeam, Sunbeam Alpine, & Sunbeam Tiger. 
The official filing date was July 5, 2005 which in turn gives opponents 
30 days in order to file motion to oppose the request. Rick Mcleod from 
Sunbeam Specialties and I immediately decided to oppose this individuals 
request for the trademark because we (SS and STOA along with other 
clubs) have prior use and claim to the name. I did some extensive 
research on the subject and Rick and I concluded that we needed to 
secure a trademark attorney.

With the help of Tom Ehrhart (Tiger Tom) from Tigers East Alpines East, 
we were put in contact with Frank Mooney of Dunnigton, Bartholow, & 
Miller LLP. Mr Mooney is an attorney in NYC, and happens to be a fellow 
Tiger and Alpine owner. Within a few days of securing legal counsel I 
posted a request to the tiger email list solicting donations to help 
offset legal fees and we have had a good response. We (STOA, Sunbeam 
Specialties, CAT, TEAE) have filed oppositions on behalf of all the 
Sunbeam Tiger and Alpine owners and clubs.

The following is an update and a portion of the correspondence from our 
attorney Frank Mooney: The NOTICES OF OPPOSITION opposing the attempt 
to obtain a SUNBEAM TIGER trademark registration for automotive and 
clothes by Michael T. Hughes of Decatur,GA. have been electronically 
filed with and mailed to the Trademark Office on behalf of TE/AE,Sunbeam 
Specialties,STOA and CAT during the period July 21,2005 through July 
28,2005.I have electronic confirmation of each electronic filing 
together with confirmation of the receipt of the appropriate trademark 
office fee.In one instance[Sunbeam Specialities].......... The other 
notifications will undoubtedly follow .Mr.Hughes has 40 days from July 
21,2005 to answer which I calculate as being August 30,2005.  We have 
begun the first part of the battle, filing an opposition and it may end 

However, we may need to take this action further and we are committed to 
see this through. I would like to thank everyone who has sent in 
donations thus far, and if anyone else would like to contribute STOA has 
set up a legal defense fund for this matter. Donations to the legal fund 
can be sent to:

STOA 893 Sycamore Road Pleasanton Ca 94566 Or via paypal at (please make a notation on your check, money order,

Rob Guerra, STOA Treasurer

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