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Rear brake drums

To: "Tiger List" <>, <>
Subject: Rear brake drums
From: "Andy Walker" <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 21:18:04 -0500
Hi, folks and Happy Memorial Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and said a little prayer for all of our
soldiers, past and present, who have given so much for our country.  God bless
them all!!

Now, on to my quick question.  It's simply this...can Tiger brake drums be
used in place of Alpine brake drums?  I have a set of old Tiger drums, and
also have a need for some drums on my Series I Alpine vintage race car (the
drums I have for the Alpine have those raised spots on the wheel mounting face
that make running mag wheels a little tricky).  Consequently, I'd like to run
the Tiger drums.  They look like they'll work but has anyone ever tried it?

Thanks for any info anyone can give me,
Andy Walker
Edmond, OK

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