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Re: Wheel needs

To: "Tiger List" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Wheel needs
From: "Andy Walker" <>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 19:20:19 -0500
Curt wrote:
> Also would appreciate knowing who is best to deal with
> when purchasing new. I > think I heard some negative
> comments regarding the people at Panasport and
> their application knowledge. Comments would be
> appreciated.

Curt, et al:

Regarding your interest in purchasing Panasport wheels; you mentioned that
you've heard some negative comments about Panasport when it comes to
application knowledge.  Well, I don't usually get wound up at companies like
this, but I think you and the rest of the list needs to know about what
happened to me with Panasport.  I'll make it as short and to the point as

I own and race (trying to, at least...) a 1960 Sunbeam Alpine Series I
vintage racer.  The car is currently on wire-spoke wheels (still...) and,
due to the fact that I broke six spokes out of the right front wheel at
driver's school last year at Texas World Speedway in September, I figured it
would be a good move to switch over to some type of "period correct" mag
wheel.  Having owned Panasports in the past and knowing that they are top
quality wheels, I contacted Panasport to place an order.  Unfortunately,
unless you have an account with Panasport, you can't buy directly from them.
Consequently, I went to the internet and found that Averill Racing Stuff  in
Madison Heights, MI was a dealer for Panasport.  After speaking with Keith
at Averill, I was satisfied with his knowledge and his price for a set of
13"x5.5" Panasport Ultra-Lights was competitive.  I placed the order with
him on 11/3/04 and he told me that it would be mid-January '05 before I
would see them.  That was fine with me, since my first race of the year
wasn't until late February.

Keith and I kept in touch over the next couple of months and, by
mid-January, I was wondering about my wheels.  Keith called Panasport and
was assured that they were ordered.  The time frame for shipping that
Panasport was telling him now, however, had changed to sometime in February.
I wanted the wheels so I said okay.  Well, as time went on, I called
Panasport myself several times to see what the hell was going on, and each
time was told that yes, they remembered my order and that "these things take

The February race came and went, then the April race came and went, and I
still had no wheels.  Finally, Keith got confirmation from Panasport that
the wheels were shipped from Japan and were due in the US on 4/16/05.  Then,
I get a call from Keith on 4/21/05 stating that the shipment had indeed
arrived and that the wheels will be drop shipped to me directly from
Panasport to save on time.  Finally, I thought I would at least make the May
race!  Shortly thereafter, however, Keith called me back to tell me that
Panasport had screwed up the order and, after all the waiting, had never
ordered my Sunbeam wheels!!!!  He also said that he had found out from
Panasport that they had sat on my order until they had enough for a shipping
container-full of wheels!!  He said he could re-order but I was looking at
another three months.  Obviously, I told him to forget it.

Obviously, I'll never ever deal with Panasport again.  Those guys couldn't
pour pee out of boot if the instructions were written on the heel!!  I've
never dealt with such incompetence in an aftermarket supplier the stature of
Panasport.  Sure, they make great wheels but if you can't get them for your
car, what the hell difference does it make?

I have since re-ordered another brand of wheel (Minator) and am expecting
them from England within a few weeks (we'll see how that goes, I
gun-shy?  You bet!!!).  Anyway, deal with Panasport at your own risk!!!  I
only wish I could find an e-mail address for them so that I could CC this
e-mail to them.  This is one customer they won't get the chance to hose

Good luck,
Andy Walker

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