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Tiger Tragedy Tonight...

Subject: Tiger Tragedy Tonight...
From: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 23:25:51 -0400
Let my blunders serve as a warning to you, make sure you have a fire 
extinguisher and good insurance.

Tonight my Tiger burned. Fortunately myself and my young son escaped harm 
but my car did not.

Coming home from a pleasant evening drive, I believe, a valve cover gasket 
could not hold the load causing oil to spill on the header which was wrapped 
with Thermo-Tec Header Wrap and somehow it ignited. We pulled over after an 
incredible amount of smoke poured out all around the car. After pulling my 
son out I opened the hood to see the driver side engine compartment engulfed 
in flames. Four or 5 minutes later the passenger compartment caught on fire. 
The fire department took a leisurely 15-20 minutes to arrived douse the 

Even in the dark I could see everything non-metal in the interior is 
gone...all the glass...wiring...gauges...seats...carpet...dash board...even 
the aluminum steering wheel melted's bad...real bad....I don't 
know if I want to even look.

It will be a total loss to me since I still have 1/2 filled out insurance 
forms for Hagerty Insurance still sitting on my dresser, I never got full 
coverage on the car (this stuff happens to other people not me? right? 
that's what I told myself) and I am not in financial shape to rebuild. More 
than likely the reminants will be parted out since it will be the only way 
to recoup any money from my investment.

So tomorrow I will go with heavy heart to the yard where the car now sits 
and see in daylight the extent of my took me 22 years to get a 
Tiger and 18 months later it's now all gone...

So fill out that damn insurance paperwork tonight and mail it in...carry a 
fire extinguisher at all times...and if I never see a wrapped header again I 
will be a happy man.


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