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Rear end numbers

To: "Thomas Wiencek" <>, <>,
Subject: Rear end numbers
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 12:34:03 -0700
I am going to replace the gears in my series ll ,, this is it.

The numbers from the three units I am looking at. a) 6A  3113,,b) 6A
3099,,c)6AO 5271.
I know they are newer than mine, and need to know about splines.

Will one of these third members fit right off or do I have to change out the
whole unit?
If I change out the whole unit then, doe's any one have an idea on the
adaptation for standard shocks?

What are the gear ratios of both 6A's?
Is the 6AO an over drive unit and if so,,, what is the gear ratio?
I just really dislike waiting don't you?

Thank guys and any gals

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