I own an early Series I, and it came fitted with lap-belts of a sort.
They were fastened to two eye-bolt anchors on either side of the seat. I
still have them somewhere, but I had to replace them, since they were
made from old military-style cotton webbing and had hardened to the
point of being nearly rigid, and the fastening system was very crude. As
I recall, they were manufactured by the Hercules(???) Aviation Supply
Co. in the U.S., and did look like something that might have been
installed originally in a Tiger (Moth)!
Ron Tebo - Series I - B9000627
Sage wrote:
> Hello Alpines:
> I recieved a voice mail call from an Alpine Series I owner who wants to
> install seat belts and asks if there are any specific points to install
> them. Only owning late Alpines and Tigers, which were mostly fitted with
> them (here in the US, anyway) I don't know the answer. The Alpine owner
> is Bill Evans, at: His phone number is 317
> 255-6178. I'd appreciate it if anyone knows the answer and can e-mail
> or call Bill and help him out.
> Thanks!
> Steve Sage