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To: <>, <>,
Subject: Hours
From: "P. R. Hulse" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 08:42:06 -0700

Don't despair, my experience is similar about 3300 hours and mid-teens for
expenses plus the cost of the car originally.
Once a noted Northwest guru who does outstanding rebuilds told me an average
time frame for a total restoration to better than new condition would take 18
to 24 months and $20K+ and that was assuming the tin worms had not been
visiting.  I thought he was exaggerating.  Now after nearly 2 years of working
every night, weekends, and vacations I fully understand.  My wife was very
understanding and just loves riding in the car with the top down.

I will send a picture of the completed project to your email.

Philip "Commodore Blues" Hulse

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