Don't read too much into the 4 working day delivery. The glass that I
ordered was for an outside patio table with a center hole for an
umbrella. It might very well be a stock item. I didn't ask and at the
time I didn't care. The local shop has a supplier that "would delivery
custom ordered tempered glass" . I am guessing that my order was
filled with a stocked item.
On Sunday, August 31, 2003, at 12:28 PM, Bill Blue wrote:
> Four day delivery? It took us two weeks to get a Vee shape line 40
> inches
> long ground (diamond wheel) into a piece of glass. Is the tempering
> process
> so simple it can be done in a specialized glass shop?
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger Gibbs" <>
> To: "Dan Eiland" <>
> Cc: "Tiger List" <>; "Jensen List"
> <>; "Alpine List" <>
> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Drilling hole in tempered glass?
>> I know of only one person who has tried to drill a hole in tempered
>> glass.
>> He used a wood dowel or w piece of tubing (I forget which) in a drill
>> press. Made a dam of clay to hold a cutting lubricant and used an
>> abrasive paste for the actual cutting/abrading. Just as the hole was
>> almost finished ... BAM - the glass shatters in a million pieces.
>> He figured he did something wrong and repeated it again, only this
>> time
>> slower .... BAM a million pieces.
>> On the other hand I recently ordered a piece of tempered glass with a
>> hole cut in it. The local glass shop ordered for me and delivered it
>> four days later. I did not ask if the hole was cut before or after
>> tempering. But a local glass shop may be able to give you some info.
>> As I recall, the safety aspect of tempered glass is derived by
>> pre-stressing the glass so that if it breaks it breaks into pebble
>> sized pieces. These stresses do not allow drilling or cutting
>> tempered
>> galss.
>> -Roger
>> On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 07:20 PM, Dan Eiland wrote:
>>> Hi Listers,
>>> Is it possible to drill a hole through tempered glass without
>>> damaging
>>> the
>>> glass? I have been told by two local firms that it is not possible,
>>> but a
>>> company in the UK says they know people who have done it but they do
>>> not
>>> know how. I have seen some diamond blade hole saws made for drilling
>>> through
>>> glass. If I used lots of water or cutting oil do you think it would
>>> be
>>> possible to drill two 1/2" holes through my door glass without
>>> exploding the
>>> glass into a million pieces? The alternative is to remove some spot
>>> welds
>>> holding the "C" channel onto the bottom of my existing door glass so
>>> I
>>> can
>>> weld on the "C" channel that was mounted to the bottom of the glass
>>> from my
>>> new doors. If you are wondering what I am doing that requires this
>>> conversion, I am switching my JH doors for GT doors. The glass is
>>> almost the
>>> same but there are just enough differences that I need to adapt my JH
>>> windows to fit the GT doors. I am hoping some of my friends between
>>> the
>>> three lists will be able to give me enough information to at least
>>> keep me
>>> out of trouble, and if I am lucky I will find a way to make this all
>>> work.
>>> Thanks in advance for any comments.
>>> Dan Eiland