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Re: [Tires, slightly off topic]

To: "Bill Blue" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Tires, slightly off topic]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2003 03:10:19 -0400
The 165R15's would fit a VW Beetle, some late fifties-early sixties Rambler
Americans, MGA's, Triumph TR's and Hillman Minxes.  The Hillman 15 inch wheel
would of course bolt right on to an Alpine.  Whether the 165R15's would clear
the wheel well and other things under the fender I do not know!!!

I did run 15's on my Series I Alpine back in teh sixties, but teh tires were
skinny 560x15's.  

Jan Eyerman
1962 Hillman Minx Series IIIC Convertible
1973 Hillman Avenger DL

"Bill Blue" <> wrote:
While nosing through some tire mfgr sites, I noticed that the 165R - 15 is
available.  Does anyone know what this was used on?  The big Healy?  How
would they look on an Alpine?  I'm thinking they may look very 40's - 50's
Brittish sports car.  I like this look, even though the Alpine never had it.
These tires are big, 25.33" in dia. and I am not into the current tire trend,
of wide, low ratio tires.  Besides, being different is fun.
A curious thing I noticed, while the the 165R - 15 and 165R - 13 are
available, the 165R - 14 does not seem to be.  Does anyone have any idea why?

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