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stuck clutch

Subject: stuck clutch
From: Fred Levit <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 13:45:16 -0500
I remember that there were a bunch of suggestions. What worked for me was:

        Rolled the car out onto the street.
        With the clutch pedal depressed, the gear box in low, started the 
        As the car rolled forward stepped on the brake to almost stall the 

The clutch popped on the second or third try.

One other suggestion I recall from the  list was:

        Jack up the rear of the car so both wheels are free to turn.
        (Don't get under it, chock the front wheels)
        Start the engine with the clutch pedal depressed and in gear.
        Tap the brakes.

That is the same as the first suggestion above but works with the car 
standing still.

The first time the clutch stuck on me I thought I had a destroyed clutch 
and took the car to a mechanic. As they started to loosen the bolts around 
the clutch housing, the clutch popped free. The second time, I  did 
suggestion one, above.

Fred Levit
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  USA

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