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Original Tire Size Questions

To: "Alpine, Message" <>
Subject: Original Tire Size Questions
From: "Thomas Wiencek" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:34:56 -0500
I am collecting information for an article about stock size tires for
the Alpine and Tiger.  If anyone on the list has any original tires,
5.60 - 13, 5.90 - 13, 5.90 RS5 - 13, 6.00 - 13 or 6.00 -13 Low Profile,
I would like the circumference of the tire. (Mark a chalk line on the
ground, roll the tire one compete revolution (using the valve stem as
the zero point), mark this distance with chalk and measure the distance
between the lines.  I also need the width of the tire (not the tread
width) fully inflated.  This can be measured with a ruler and two long
flat sticks on the sides of the tire.  I also need to know the brand of
the tire, and if it is nylon or rayon.  Thanks.


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