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Re: Air vents again

To:|John, (Slade),
Subject: Re: Air vents again
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 09:26:23 -0400
I have recentlly purchased the entire front cowl from a series 5 with the vent 
holes intact.  It's pretty rough due to that fact it was cut out with a torch.
I was planning on putting vents in my series 3 but have changed my mind and 
want to stay stock for now.  I can send this entire piece to you so you can 
develope your pattern and then send it back.
If your vent flaps are loose and not "hinged" anymore then they are broke.  You 
will need to purchase the vent flap repair kit from SS or CS.  Now is the time 
to repair them as it's just about impossible in the car.
There is a specific way the bracket exits the chamber on each side.  I think 
they both exit the right side but I will have to check.  I wrote it down at 
home.  As you must know, the vent rods are unique on both sides and are shaped 
to avoid other stuff under the dash.
You also need to obtain the late crash pad for the bottom of your dash that 
includes the brackets for the vent rods.  


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