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Thanks for the advice! (fwd)

Subject: Thanks for the advice! (fwd)
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 23:45:20 +0000
Make sure you use DOT4 brake fluid as in Castorol LMA.  
I fairly new to all this, but have been warned many 
times that the rubber in these brake systems does not 
like the DOT3 (commonly used) brake fluid.  If the car 
is new to you perhaps that's the root cause.  Sorry to 
give you bad news, but don't want your brakes to fail 
you.  There have been debates about silcone brake fluid 
vs DOT4, but I can tell you that the Castorol LMA is a 
safe option.  

Good Luck,
----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
From:    "Jeffery Smith" <>
To:      <>
Subject: Thanks for the advice!
Date:    Fri, 10 May 2002 13:54:12 -0700

I live in Portland,Or and I have since found a more
reputable machinist!

I could use any advice on parts suppliers

thanks Jeff

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  • Thanks for the advice! (fwd), niceone <=