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Correct Tigers United Dates

To: Tiger Mailing List <>,
Subject: Correct Tigers United Dates
Date: Wed, 08 May 2002 00:40:02 -0700
Oops! I've done it again, and thanks to John Stithem of our lists for
alerting me to my mistake. In my recent Tigers United update, I
mis-stated the event dates. The correct dates are, and have been, June
28-29 & 30 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

This of course gives me a new excuse to exhort all you Sunbeamers to
make it to this awesome Tiger/Alpine happening if you at all can, and
that it wouldn't be such a bad idea anyway, if time and money permit, to
make it up to Mammoth Lakes a day early on the 27th (Thursday). It will
give you (and your cars) an extra day to acclimate to the altitude, see
the sights and just have more of a good time, plus you will not want to
miss a minute of George Boskoff's talk and question and answer session,
which will be on Friday night (June 28). Remember, he's the guy who
actually, and personally, and apparently almost single handedly, built
the Shelby contracted prototype Sunbeam Tiger. Plus, there will be many
other multiple opportunities for much fun and acting silly Sunbeaming up
there in the mountains.

As usual, e-mail me with any complaints, ideas or comments, or if you
need entry forms, etc.

That being said, Jane, Carrie and I expect to see you all at United, and
no excuses will be accepted!

Steve Sage

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