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5 speed conversion update

To: <>
Subject: 5 speed conversion update
From: "Steve Graham" <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:51:21 +1000
Hi All,

I have had a few requests to ask Dellow's for the brand and type of
clutch/cover plate and bearing so that those parts could be sourced locally. I
have requested this info a few times with no response. I don't want to push it
any further with Dellow's, they clearly want to sell full kits etc.

I have thought of a possible solution. If any of you want to chase local
components, there have been a few USA guys that told me they have placed
orders. Maybe one of them can advise the list if they recognise a local
component ( others buyers could possibly offer a couple of beers or $ as
thanks) Failing that, I can provide the info if it becomes available before I
order mine, in 6 to 9 months (groan).


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