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Re: [Overdrive installation]

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Overdrive installation]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 21:38:20 -0500
Make yourself a set of 4 "alignment" studs.  Just take off one of the
tranmission to engine bolts and find a duplicate at least an inch longer.  Buy
4 of them and cut the heads off.  Then either file or grind two flats where
the head was or cut a slot for a screw driver.  When you are realy to install
the new trans, screw in all four of the alignment studs into the bolt holes on
the engine.  Then just lift the trans up, slide the shaft in and put the trans
onto the studs.  The studs now take the weight of the trans and carefully move
the trans forward until it is in place.  Then remove the studs one at a time
and replace them with bolts.  It has worked like a charm for me for 25+


"Louis & Laila" <> wrote:
Well, the bad news is that the freeze plug behind the flywheel is leaking.
good news is that I have suddenly found the time to install the rebuilt
overdrive I have had for a few years. Looking at the space requirements, are
there any special tidbits of information I may need to install the OD with
engine in the car? Looks real tight, and the OD unit is a few inches longer!
If someone can help prevent me from reinventing the wheel, I would appreciate
it. Lou

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