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Re: "The Birds" - no Alpine content

Subject: Re: "The Birds" - no Alpine content
From: (Armand Ritchie)
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 13:33:21 -0800
Whoa, strange that you guys should mention the "Birds".  I was just in
Bodega Bay last Saturday to have lunch and in the restaurant there they
have pictures of the movies framed and hanging on the wall.  I can tell ya
a funny story about that movie.  When the Birds first came out it was only
showing in the bigger theaters.  So my sister and Mom and Dad, (I was
deemed to young to see it) went to San Francisco to see the movie and as
they were leaving the theater a pidgeon landed on my sister's head (she had
a big bee hive hairdo) and it's feet got tangled in the bee hive Ha Ha.
Anyway my sis freaked out and my dad had to grab her and hang on because
she almost ran out into the busy street, screaming and waving her arms.  Oh
Man what a sight that must have been.  She is still afraid of birds to this
Armand Ritchie

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