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Re: [Help me decide]

Subject: Re: [Help me decide]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 27 Dec 2001 12:54:50 EST
There are probably not many of us around who saw the "new" cars in the fifties
and sixties.  Back then chrome wire wheels were really only seen on Jaguars
and other cars that cost more then a new home ($10,000 would buy a VERY nice
house in 1955).  Chrome wheels look great, painted ones are more authentic. I
kind of get put off by seeing a row of MG Midgets and Austin Healey Sprites
with Chrome wheels  at car shows.  

If you are indeed doing your Alpine "top end", then chrome wheels would be
fitting.  I come from a German background and there is a German philosophy
that says things are and should be "of a whole".  That is, you don't wear
workboots with a tuxedo.  

Jan Eyerman
OK, I'm putting in my two cents.  First, I agree with Ian and others - it's
your car, you decide.  BUT, if it were MY car, I would not go with those
girlie chrome spokes.  The car has a tough enough time in the
non-hairdresser look.  Real driven sports cars don't have chrome spokes.

P.S.  But, I'd never hold it against you if you went chrome, and I'd still
think it looked great.


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