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Re: Cars For Sale On List????

To: "Richard Feibusch" <>
Subject: Re: Cars For Sale On List????
From: "Carl McLelland" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 00:42:15 -0800
In my opinion, these lists are for specific users..... people who have a
specific interest in the purpose of the list. When a question is asked about
a specific part or how to install/repair something on their car, everyone
potentially benefits from the response(s).

When a vintage race car is listed (vintage race list) or an Alpine is listed
(Alpine list), etc, the seller benefits by reaching an interested market and
the potential buyer benefits from receiving information on a specific
product. When folks start advertising Aunt Gertrudes 1984 Ford Tempo or
their old refrigerator, then I'd object. Till then, no problem.

Subject: Cars For Sale On List????

> Listers,
> I have received a number off-list notes that question the use of these
> lists to inform listers about cars that are for sale.

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