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transmission shifter

To: <>
Subject: transmission shifter
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 23:44:34 EST
I have a Ser III transmission non synchro with over drive.  I had it rebuilt 
this year and I installed it in my car.  I have tried to put the Shift lever in
and can only get a front to back shift.  No side to side.  I am sure I have the 
ball into the shift control rod.  I took a screw driver and attempted to
move the control rod and it would only move front to back.  There was no 
perceptable side to side movement.  THere is no side to side neutral movement.  
I believe the internal change speed lever may not be in the
selector forks properly.  If this is the case, can I fix it without removing
the transmission?  Has anyone had this problem before?  Thanks to those who 
responded yesterday. Looking at SS Catalogue and the shop manual don't seem to
david Welsh

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