Fellow list members:
I live on Long Island, I work in Brooklyn, I was an eye witness to the fire
and the collapse from the roof of my office building in Brooklyn. To see
something like this live, cannot compare in any way to seeing it on TV. It
has left me with very terrible feelings. Feelings that I am having trouble
expressing. We are the victims of our own freedoms and so vulnerable because
of our very own liberties! What makes this nation great has made us open to
this kind of terror. I am unable to buy coffee in a 7/11 any longer. I do not
trust myself. Israel has warned us that we do not understand the Arab
mindset. They are correct This is a lousy way to live! This city is a melting
pot and our open door policy is coming back to bite us on our respective
asses! I have been cognizant of these animals for a long time, they are
laughing at us for our permissiveness. I consider myself a student of
society, especially here in NYC. They know all the rules before they set foot
on American soil, they take full advantage of our casual way of life, of our
social systems, of our forgiveness and our system of laws that is much to
lenient. They know exactly what they can get away with before they set foot
in this country and we welcome them with open arms. Take a drive down
Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. It is Arab central. They keep to themselves,
they are absolutely arrogant. They are intimidating. They have a definite
attitude here in NYC. They are cunning, they are absolutely diabolical. We
have, by default given them the opportunity to fill menial positions that
most of us do not wish to undertake. Where do you think the first attack on
the WTC was orchestrated and supported? There sick religious beliefs, the
zealousness, make them completely unreasonable. They truly feel that they
will be reborn as heroes in another life for what they are doing and the
scary part is that they give no value to human life. They are a society of
mud people, they see us with a contempt that is difficult to understand. They
are raising entire generations of children completely indoctrinated with hate
towards us. They are envious, jealous and very stupid. Stupid people are
dangerous, in any situation. Their religious fanaticism went out with the
dark ages!
I apologize for my rambling but I am feeling so much rage today that I had to
express myself. We are much to nice! Israel is the size of New Jersey,
surrounded by these scumbags, yet they know that they have to be more
ruthless then the Arabs when it is required. The security on El Al Airlines
is like no other, the cockpit has double, impenetrable steel doors, two plain
clothes security people on board each and every flight, highly trained and
armed accordingly. There are 5 ID and baggage checks before boarding, 5! They
do not hesitate, they shoot first, without a second thought. They feel that
given the opportunity, this garbage will kill us at the first opportunity, so
they know that there is NO CHOICE but to kill them first, and they do it
without even thinking about it!
Be aware, they are everywhere as you will see as time goes by. I am not a nut
case and I am not paranoid (not yet, anyway). I am a very proud American who
feels nothing but rage right now! I know there are good people among them but
that is to bad! The welfare of the many is at stake and that takes precedent
over the rights of the few!
God bless America!
Phil Einhorn