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Re: [Re: Rootes tour (Australia)]

To: "Miranda Pardon" <>,
Subject: Re: [Re: Rootes tour (Australia)]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 24 Aug 2001 08:49:38 EDT
I gather that the part of Australia you will be travelling through has a
number of homicidal maniacs loose in it and will shortly have a bunch of
suicidal maniacs driving through it in Hillmans.

Jan Eyerman
(not a homicidal or suicidal maniac, just an ordinary everyday maniac)

"Miranda Pardon" <> wrote:
Not to mention the dingoes!!   Count me in, but you probably already knew

----- Original Message -----
From: Russell Maddock <>
To: Alpine List (E-mail) <>; Imp list (E-mail)
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 2:06 PM
Subject: Rootes tour (Australia)

> I see that a Rootes tour to Ayres Rock is being organised for June/July
> 2003. That sounds like it could be fun. Anyone on the list thinking of
> it?
> You would want to have confidence in your car to do this. I haven't sat
> with any maps yet, but I should think you would have to travel through
> fairly inhospitable territory - not to mention dodging the odd homicidal
> maniac.
> Hmmmmm. Food for thought.
> Russ

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