This is a great idea and I commend you for thinking it up, but to make it
easy on you I suggest that your 61 Alpine B9104782 be the first give away
car. That way you will not have to spend time away from your family and
other pressing projects getting a car ready. Let me know where to send the
money. Jim
Ian Spencer wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess the rumor is out about my latest hair brained idea, "The Great
> Alpine Give-A-Way". I've received several e-mails about it already, so
> I'll go a head and fill you all in. As of today, this is still in the
> planning phase, so nothing is carved in stone here. We will be meeting
> on this again to make some final decisions and decided if we can
> actually pull it off. I don't want to offer this unless we can make it
> work. Here's the deal:
> www.SubeamAlpine.org will offer a Series V Alpine for raffle at the next
> Sunbeam Invasion (InvasionII). This will be a NICE car, not a rust
> bucket parts car or anything like that. We will have a page on the site
> dedicated to the drawing with pictures and updates on anything we need
> to do to this car before the drawing next June. Tickets will cost
> $20.00ea or 6 for $100.00. If we decide to do this, I will begin ticket
> sales next month. The winner will be responsible for taxes and
> transportation.
> The idea here is to take any profits and roll them into another car for
> the following year. www.SunbeamAlpine.org is now being registered as a
> non-profit organization and I will personally be donating the first car
> for this cause. I would like to see this become an annual tradition.
> If anyone has ideas or advice about this, please feel free to contact
> me. I'm open for advice. Your feedback will help me to make a final
> decision on whether we do this or not.
> Thanks - Ian
> --
> Ian Spencer <www.sunbeamalpine.org>
> '61 Series II Alpine B9104704 LRX
> '61 Harrington Alpine B9104782 OD HRO
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9115930 OD LRX
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9116754 OD LRX
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9117497 OD LRX
> '64 Series IV Automatic B9401426 BW LRX
> '67 Series V Alpine B395016967 LRX