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Re: YEOUUUUCH!!! Electrical Question

To: SJC Worldwide <>
Subject: Re: YEOUUUUCH!!! Electrical Question
From: Theo Smit <>
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 23:09:56 -0600
Sorry to hear about your  illuminating experience. Yes, the rotor spring tab
should contact the center contact on the cap - that's how the coil energy
gets transferred to the rotor. You might try simply replacing the cap and
rotor to see if this reduces or eliminates the leak If the engine is
missing, you can try to see which plug it is by taking your timing light and
hooking the probe up to each plug wire in turn, away from the cap itself.
The timing light should strobe steadily on all eight cylinders.
You should also check the plugs. If one of them is gapped really wide, it
will require a higher firing voltage than the others, and that could be
enough to break the insulation of the plug wires.

Good luck, and wear rubber soled shoes...


SJC Worldwide wrote:

> Messing about with the Tiger's timing yesterday, grabbing the
> distributor cap to advance timing a bit with the car running, I got a
> <snip>

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