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Re: Scott Christie's question to the list.

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Scott Christie's question to the list.
From: "Ian Spencer" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 11:23:23 -0500
Yah, I told Scott the same thing. He needs to fix those tanks, or he'll just be 
chasing his tail. I've also had similar problems in the past and I don't 
believe the fuel filter can filter out the smallest particles that can still 
cause problems.

>>> <> 08/02/01 10:20AM >>>

My prayers are with you in hopes the surgery goes well. Please keep us posted 
on the progress.

I do not know if this is Scott's problem, but I have experienced similar 
problems. The final fix of course is to coat the tanks and completely flush the 

Anyway, years ago I experienced the same symptoms. It was due to tiny particles 
of crud blocking the jets. I could run the car with the choke on and it would 
smooth-out a bit.

At the time, I was running a completely stock system I.e. no fuel filter. 
Sometimes when I experienced the problem, I could get out, rev the car and 
block the carb opening (usually with my palm). This would suck the offending 
crud out of the tube. Othertimes, I had to disassemble the carb and blow-out 
the jets with compressed air.  

I have also had similar symptoms when the fuel line coming out of the tank 
junction tube was clogged. However, when this happened, the car would 
completely die. To fix, I simply disconnected the line, let the remaining gas 
drain into a container that I could use to strain out the offending material.

I hope this helps

> From: "Ian Spencer" <>
> Date: 2001/08/02 Thu AM 11:01:57 EDT
> To: <>
> Subject: Scott Christie's question to the list.
> I'm posting this to the list for Scott Christie who will be spending the next 
>few days at home with his wife who will be having emergency gall bladder 
>surgery today. Although he is very concerened for his wife... he still had the 
>time to call me with an Alpine question. What a dedicated chap Scott is... not 
>only to his wife, but his Alpine too. Let's all wish the best and a speedy 
>recovery for Scott's wife Darla. 
> Here's Scotts question:
> His car has been acting up as of late. I've determined that he is getting 
>crud in his carbs (Zenith - Series 3). Last week, I took his carbs apart and 
>cleaned and inspected them. There was definately rust particles in the bowl, 
>so Scott added an inline fuel filter. He knows that this is a temporary fix, 
>but would like to keep the car running for the rest of this season before 
>replacing the tanks.
> Scott had the car out yesterday and it ran fine for a while. Then it started 
>acting up again (sputtering out). Now, if he applies the choke half way the 
>car levels out and runs fine. What's the cause for this and how can it be 
>corrected? Could the floats be out of wack? I tried to be very careful not to 
>do anything that would cause them to become out of adjustment. Does anyone out 
>there have any advice? Scott says thanks! - Ian

Chris Stephenson 
(404) 915-7669

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