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Re: Noise on transmission and enquiry

To: "Denis STEVENS" <>
Subject: Re: Noise on transmission and enquiry
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:15:07 -0400
Your Series V is listed on the Registry at
If you have updates on the information please submit a registry form online
and I'll get it updated.
Scott Christie

                    "Denis STEVENS"                                             
                    <dstevens@online.f        To:     "ALPINE List" 
                    r>                        cc:                               
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     Noise on 
transmission and enquiry    
                    07/18/01 07:50 PM                                           
                    Please respond to                                           
                    "Denis STEVENS"                                             

Hi all listers

Recently purchased a '66 SV most likely coming from the US (I'm living in
France). Car is now being fixed by a specialist friend of mine since I'm
a mechanic expert (hope I'm not the only one throughout the list if so
blame me !) and really don't have that much time for that : shock absorbers
and bushes urgently needed to be changed for minimum safety since staying
the road was really a game of skill !

Other problem I have (maybe related to above mentioned one : loose elements
on suspension ?) is slammin' noise coming most likely from the rear of the
car every time I'm accelerating and sometimes slowing down. Could be a
transmission shaft, have you any other idea from your own experience that
might help me investigating ?

Another question, as already mentioned car is definitely coming from the
serial # is B395013232LRX, is this car known from some listers : I know it
would really be great fortune but ...who knows ?

Best regards from France

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