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Re: Oil Leaks

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Oil Leaks
From: "Greg Locke" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 15:07:05 +1200
Too right!

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 July 2001 14:42
Subject: Re: Oil Leaks

> I will second that, cleaning the gasket surfaces and getting all the oil
> is a pain with the engine in place. Pull it and heck while it is out you
> give it a good cleaning and paint it. Then it would be a shame not to do
> and bearings as long as you have it out and you may as well check the oil
> clearance. A mild re-grind of the cam would be worth the money. With the
> off you really should see about the valves and guides. Steam cleaning the
> engine bay goes without saying and do the transmission seals, why take the
> chance. It would be smart to check the ring gear bolts they are always
> While you are waiting for the parts to come might as well do those pesky
> pans, which would be a good time with everything out of the way to install
> new wiring harness. Have you done you brakes lately? Could save on
shipping if
> you order it all at once. Then a spot of paint a new windshield and a trip
> the chrome shop.... and no more oil leak, maybe. On second thought Jarrid
> right change the gaskets with the engine in the darn thing.   Jim SV [with
> gaskets and the oil pan still leaks]
> Carl McLelland wrote:
> > All the gaskets can be changed with the engine in the car. If you decide
> > do so you will probably wish you had removed it before your done!!!!!
> >     Carl
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Christopher Albers" <>
> > To: <>
> > Cc: <>; <>
> > Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 9:05 AM
> > Subject: Re: RE: Oil Leaks
> >
> > > writes:
> > > >How many gaskets can be changed on this car without
> > > >removing the engine?
> > >
> > > You can change all gaskets without removing the engine.  You may need
> > > unbolt the motor mounts and jack up the engine to get to the pan
> > > however.  But then you may not, I've forgotten.

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