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Oil in distant drums

Subject: Oil in distant drums
From: (lauri lehtinen)
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 22:23:36 +0300
Voice from the distance (Finland) calling:
El Tonto stupido (unfortunately it was me personally) did not tighten brake
shield bolts enough (some were very loose) when changing differential

Now there is oil in at least right side brake drum and linings. I know it
burns out during time, but I have to drive straight to MOT (is it yearly
check made by officials?) and it is only about 4 km. Is there any other
methods than washing with organic solvent (heating?) to get that diff oil
out from the brake surfaces?

Yes, and very muchas gracias from all help I have got from you during
thease years!

#orenzo Pamfletti

#auri Lehtinen
Lehtipuu Oy
Kirkonkylantie 83
00780 Helsinki
tel: +358 400 851988

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